Microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017
Microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017

microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017 microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017

If anything, it’s the lack of consistency without apparent reasoning that is maddening. When releasing free Xbox LIVE games like Minesweeper and Sudoku on Windows Phone they kept to a simple 50G achievement system and it worked well, so it’s odd to see 25G and 40G games introduced even as they follow more or less the exact same system of achievements, medals and daily challenges. I’m sure Microsoft have their reasons for this but I cannot think of any.

microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017

Minesweeper introduces a new 25G boundary, but it seems that Solitaire introduces a new, more random, 40G one. Previously all games had been 50, 200, 400 or 1000G, with DLC providing an extra 250G for AAA releases or 50G for arcade titles. Microsoft Solitaire Collection breaks new ground for Xbox LIVE, being, I think, the first game that breaks the existing multiples system of gamerscore.

Microsoft solitaire collection tripeaks expert september 22, 2017